Sistahs on the Shelf is currently accepting books for review. We are asking for published novels with an African-American lesbian and/or bisexual theme or books that have one lesbian/bisexual woman as a main character. Hard copies of review books are preferred, but we will accept e-book formats (but not drafts or manuscripts).
We are no longer reviewing poetry books at this time.
To submit your book, you must first send an email to and include the following information about your novel: Title, Author, Book Synopsis, Publishing Company, Release Date, Genre, No. of Pages, Author’s Email and Website Address.
Please specify whether the book is a review copy or the final version. Books that have been officially published will be reviewed as the final version.
You will be acknowledged by a reply email, and then you may send 2 copies of your book, along with a press kit, to the address below:
Sistahs on the Shelf
P. O. Box 604
Tallahassee, Florida 32302-0604
You will be notified by email when your book is received by Sistahs on the Shelf. Your book will not be returned, and we will notify you by email when the review will be published. Please note that reviews cannot be read by the author prior to publication.
This book opens in a Virginia setting where twin, Francis Keyanna Livingston, struggles with her sexual identity. Consciously, she knows that she is not the typical female. Subconsciously, where she mostly dwells to escape reality, she enjoys living her life from the way she wears her hair and clothes to being referred to as a masculine figure. It’s not until Francis’ mother, Diane Livingston, feels that Francis is the karma from her own haunting experiences, that she consistently makes comments about her sexuality hoping that she’d be more accepting of her femininity. Diane is in for a huge surprise when she finds out the route that her daughters choose to conquer love. In addition, Frankie, as she is affectionately called, fights to stay connected to her childhood friends and other family members while discovering their own personal problems, which keep them all searching for a way out.
Good day my book is self published on amazon can I still submit information?
Yes, I review self-published books. Can you send me the title of your novel so I can read the synopsis?
I sent you a email yesterday 06-02-14. I have sent two copies of my book “A Tear From A Black Rainbow” to your p.o. box. They should arrive by Monday or Tuesday. Thank for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Enjoy the read! Author Lesa Tondylear Heard.
Hi Sistahs!
I am a black lesbian who just coauthored and selfpublished my first novel. It is the first in a trilogy. Each book is a series of novellas – only one of the novellas (out of 6) is told from the perspective of a black lesbian, although 2 others deal with queerness and race. Is this enough to get a review? You can see the book here btw:
Thanks so much!